Freelance Articles

Searching for Web Design Niche Ideas

Do You Need to Go to School for Web Design?

To be successful in a lucrative field so vital to businesses, let’s explore if you actually need to go to school for web design.
Freelancer Reading Contract

Are Freelance Contracts Necessary?

Even a simple contract can protect both freelancers and their clients when beginning a new project.
Computer Lab at Web Design School

Do You Need to Go to School for Web Design?

To be successful in a lucrative field so vital to businesses, let’s explore if you actually need to go to school for web design.
Web Design Business Owner

Setting Up Your Web Design Business

You can start a web design business in a few easy steps and I’m gonna show you just how to do it!
Going Full-Time with Freelance

From Freelance to Full-Time

Some thoughtful considerations for my fellow freelancers looking to make the big leap from side hustler to CEO.
Fiverr Money Pile

Making Money on Fiverr: My Story

Fiverr was a vital part of my freelance trajectory, so I’m sharing my advice for success on the platform!
Local Shop Owner

Start Local to Get New Clients

If you’re looking to get new clients, focusing on your local business community gives you a real advantage.
Thumbtack Web Designer

How I Made 4x Profit in Two Weeks on Thumbtack

Earlier this month, I quadrupled my investment in a surprisingly effective lead generation tool; Thumbtack!
Productivity for Freelancers

Productivity for Freelancers

Some advice to help you stay organized, work efficiently, and squeeze the most out of every day!
Enjoying the Freelance Journey

5 Stages of the Freelance Journey

No matter where you are in your freelance journey, it’s encouraging to visualize what could be ahead if you continue to grow.
Freelancer Coffee Break

Are You a Freelancer or an Agency?

It’s not uncommon for freelancers to experience a bit of an identity crisis as it pertains to their outward-facing persona.
Start a Web Design Business

How to Start a Web Design Business without a Portfolio

If you want to start a web design business, I've outlined four easy and effective ways for you to build your portfolio first.